Chapter Three - "Be Still, My Heart"
With "baby's heart beat dangerously low .. dangerously low" running through my head, I desperately prayed for the safety of my loved ones. Our baby was in danger! My daughter-in-law, too, and my assignments were plain: find her parents and pray!
"Run, run!" I hurried up and down the winding hallways until I found them, and it was a mutual joy to see each other at last. Hugs, words, and hand motions filled the empty air as anticipation and worry hung all around us. We mothers talked back & forth as women naturally do, while the maternal grandfather translated Vietnamese words into English, and English words into Vietnamese. Tears and facial expressions were totally understood, and sighs of angst needed no explanation. We were there for our kids, and we were there for each other. No translator was necessary to express the clash of joy and fear we all felt. That was a given.
We talked, translated, "hand gestured", laughed, cried, sat still, paced the floor, prayed, sighed... then repeated it all over again and again until... at long last, at 1:30 a.m. December 2, 2010... the closed hospital room door burst open! In came a caravan of feet: all covered with blue booties. Heads and faces wore the disposable caps and masks, and arms of blue pushed the hospital bed back into place. I tried my best to find my son in the parade of scrubs, but my eyes were fixed on the beautiful vision that lay before me on a cloud of white.
Never had I seen my daughter-in-law look lovelier. A sense of calm and peace surrounded her giving no hint to the trauma her body had just experienced. She glowed with beauty and grace as she lovingly cradled her new born child. Never had I seen so clearly through tear-soaked eyes. And, of course, never had I seen my very own grandchild. But, there she was... finally... she was born! She was here. And she was exquisite!!! Tiny at 5 pounds, 15.5 ounces, her little lungs worked on their own, and her steady little heart had already melted all the big hearts in that room.
As I tried to memorize the moment, my eyes lifted and amidst all the patches of blue masks, I found those eyes I've known and loved for over thirty-three years. So tender, so puffy, so sweet. The new daddy, my courageous son, stood proud and strong! Like a soldier on guard, he commanded the room. No one could tell that his knees shook. No one could tell that his heart trembled. No one knew how close he came to passing out during the emergency C-section. No one, but me his Mama... and, well... the surgical team.
Relief and joy must be side by side on the emotional scale, because when there is doubt that joy will occur, and it finally does... the joy is magnificient! It explodes upon arrival! And, I'd say that the emotional Richter scale in that hospital wing was so high it reached clear into heaven. I felt that heaven and earth connected, once again the very same night, and the proof was our little baby girl, Evelien Claire Hodges. As I touched my cheek to her soft, warm, tiny face, my soul better understood the miracle that I held. The lyrics of the song that I had sung just hours earlier came alive as never before: *"And when you kiss your little baby... you've kissed the face of God..." What an incredible feeling!
Just like I said at the beginning of my story, it was a star-studded night. It was a glorious night, a glorious sight to see my kids shine like the stars! My children, our children, became what we once became. And we became what our parents had once become. The awe of the miracle of life filled my soul, and I will never, never be the same. I am now Grandmother, yet I am still me. I don't know how to put the two together, but I will do my darndest to be a good Grandmother. Friends tell me that it comes naturally. But, I don't know. I've never been a grandmother, and I am walking into the realms of the unknown. It's times like this that it would be nice to have a friend, a girlfriend. Someone to talk to and someone to hold my hand and tell me "do this... go this way... go that way, say this, be smart... don't say that". You know, a buddy... we all need one, especially me.
So, I will be calling upon my mother, "Nanny", who offers wisdom and love: my cherished friend so dear to my heart who fought tenaciously for over a year to still be alive, and who now says it was all worth it just to see our new little life. I will also call upon my friends, and I will gladly welcome their advice, which they freely will offer. But, you know... there is someone else... someone to walk with me me... someone else to hold my hand. Oh, joy... be still my heart... rejoice my soul! The hand I hold is so tiny. It's so soft, and it is so beautiful. It's a girl! And her name is... Baby Evelien!!!
Halleluja! Hosannas! And hugs! Here I go into this new phase of my life, holding hands with my established friends and with my new little friend, and wondering, "at what point will the grown up act more like the child?" Hmmmmmm..... I think that's already happened. Yes, I have turned into a silly old Grandma, one with rhinestone bling!
Guess you better, "Look out world!" Here I come with my marching orders and my Grandma boots on. Dolls and dishes, are packed in my back pack, and lots of pink fluffly things are in my purse. Tissues & wet wipes, diapers & bibs, phone numbers, and a direct line to heaven that's available all the time: they're all a part of my entourage, and it feels so good! I am blessed to be a Grandma, blessed to have been a part of this thrilling adventure, and I am so blessed to be at this stage of my life.
Guess you can call me "Blessed among women". Or you can call me Cindy. You can call me Cindy Lou, or you can call me Grammy. But, as they say... just don't call me when I'm babysitting. I'll be too busy to answer!
Me, still me, whoever that is.
Evelien & Grammy, first embrace...
p.s. #1 Remember the pink cakes from Chapter One? Well, the extra pink cake was the perfect way to celebrate the arrival of our baby girl! We all enjoyed the pink, fluffly, strawberry cake decorated with all the foofoo on top. It was Evelien's very first birthday cake! Who would have thought she would come so early? Isn't it amazing that I made an extra cake? Isn't it great that I made pink cakes? Ahhhh... sweet times!
p.s. #2 You may wonder where my husband was during this memorable night. Well, he was in Oklahoma with my mother, caring for her. What a great guy! I kept him and "Nanny" informed all evening via text messages and phone calls. He loaded up all of Nanny's things the very next morning, and with a fully-packed van, they hurried down to Texas to meet our new baby girl. Ahhhh... the family was all together! Sweet, sweet times, indeed!
p.s. #3 Thank you, God! Thank you.
*"Mary, Did You Know?"... song lyrics by Gary Lowry
@Copyright 2010, Cindy Lou Hodges All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Piano Lesson
The piano movers are coming tomorrow, at noon. They are coming to move my beloved Kawai from one room to another, and I can honestly say that I am greatly relieved that this is finally happening! It's going to end up right back where it was about a year and a half ago: in the living room, right in front of the big mirror, visible from the front door entrance, smack dab in the center of the house. It's moving back to its original place, and something inside of me finds great comfort in that. It's as if a loved one who has been away for a very long time, has now come back home to stay.
It seems like such a long time ago that I initially hired the movers to come, and at the time it seemed a logical change. But, once I saw my piano set in place in the other room, stuck in the corner, I knew I had done the wrong thing. Because the money had to be paid and the decision had been made, my brain, as well as my husband, told me to live with the situation for awhile. "Oh, you'll get used to it," he said, "give it time". Others said they liked it because now the den was a "music room", and it looked like a studio. I thought maybe they were right, and I was too emotionally involved with a piece of furniture.
So, I "gave it time", but I never did get used to it. Never. It always felt wrong: kind of like a shirt with a scratchy tag in its neck, or a coffee cup with a burr on the lip edge. It just never felt right, and I had no one to blame but myself: it was my own doing, a "doing" with regrets.
Here it is about eighteen months later, and I can boldly say that I am older and much wiser, and that I have done my time. Guess you can say that I paid my penance. It's time to set things straight, and get my life back in order. Yes, I have to pay the movers, again... but, that's okay. I consider it money well spent. It's people like me who help people like them pay their bills. And, it's people like them who help people like me get their lives back in order. That's how it works, isn't it? I help them: they help me. We need each other.
Well, this is not your typical piano lesson, is it? But, it is a lesson well learned. There is no place like home sweet home, even for pianos. My baby is coming back home, and when I pay for its ticket, I'm gonna' breathe a sigh of satisfaction and sweet content. You know, sometimes, I am just a lot of trouble for myself, not to mention those around me. Yes, I have just completed a circle, another circle in my life: my piano, too. The good news is that now, we both have each other where we belong, plus we both have a couple of new friends.
If you ever need good piano movers, call me. Most likely I'll be sitting on the bench, in the living room, right in front of the big mirror, visible from the front door entrance, smack dab in the center of the house with a great, big smile on my face.
Going in circles and wondering, "Why?",
Your friend...
Cindy Lou
p.s. Where it was...
Where it is now... after its journey.... home, sweet home!
@Copyright 2010, Cindy Lou Hodges All Rights Reserved.
It seems like such a long time ago that I initially hired the movers to come, and at the time it seemed a logical change. But, once I saw my piano set in place in the other room, stuck in the corner, I knew I had done the wrong thing. Because the money had to be paid and the decision had been made, my brain, as well as my husband, told me to live with the situation for awhile. "Oh, you'll get used to it," he said, "give it time". Others said they liked it because now the den was a "music room", and it looked like a studio. I thought maybe they were right, and I was too emotionally involved with a piece of furniture.
So, I "gave it time", but I never did get used to it. Never. It always felt wrong: kind of like a shirt with a scratchy tag in its neck, or a coffee cup with a burr on the lip edge. It just never felt right, and I had no one to blame but myself: it was my own doing, a "doing" with regrets.
Here it is about eighteen months later, and I can boldly say that I am older and much wiser, and that I have done my time. Guess you can say that I paid my penance. It's time to set things straight, and get my life back in order. Yes, I have to pay the movers, again... but, that's okay. I consider it money well spent. It's people like me who help people like them pay their bills. And, it's people like them who help people like me get their lives back in order. That's how it works, isn't it? I help them: they help me. We need each other.
Well, this is not your typical piano lesson, is it? But, it is a lesson well learned. There is no place like home sweet home, even for pianos. My baby is coming back home, and when I pay for its ticket, I'm gonna' breathe a sigh of satisfaction and sweet content. You know, sometimes, I am just a lot of trouble for myself, not to mention those around me. Yes, I have just completed a circle, another circle in my life: my piano, too. The good news is that now, we both have each other where we belong, plus we both have a couple of new friends.
If you ever need good piano movers, call me. Most likely I'll be sitting on the bench, in the living room, right in front of the big mirror, visible from the front door entrance, smack dab in the center of the house with a great, big smile on my face.
Going in circles and wondering, "Why?",
Your friend...
Cindy Lou
p.s. Where it was...
Where it is now... after its journey.... home, sweet home!
@Copyright 2010, Cindy Lou Hodges All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
And She Was Born, Chapter 2
Chapter Two - "The 2nd Floor"
Unbeknown to me, my daughter-in-law had been in labor all day, but went to work anyway, not knowing that it was "the real thing"! My son played an hour-long game of volleyball that evening, while "Mommie" stayed home and packed her suitcase between contractions. By 9:00 p.m. they decided that maybe they should go to the hospital, "this just might be serious". Do ya, think???
Hence, the text message sent to me, "We at hospital. She may be early...!"
I think I was kind of noisy: "Errr---Screech! Slam! High-heeled clomp-clomps!" I ran to the ER desk, and some gracious woman led me through the hall ways to the elevator that would take me to the maternity wing. I was on the ride of my life, and as the elevator doors closed I said goodbye to my life as it had been, and with their opening I said hello to my greatest adventure ever. The profound words of a budding new grandmother then blurted out from me as I viewed the 2nd floor, "sheez... now, uh, which way did she say to go???"
When I found my brave kids, it was quite obvious to me that they weren't kids anymore, and that I was no longer a young adult. We were all stepping up to a new level and a higher status in our adult lives, and this new little life coming to join us would challenge us all to rise to the calling. I saw my son hovering over his lovely wife, tenderly talking to her, and calmly reading the numbers on the monitor. I saw my daughter-in-law quietly endure the contractions, then mildly say, "that was a big one." I heard the nurse announce, "this baby is coming tonight, probably before midnight!" And off they rolled them to the birthing room.
At that point the situation escalated so rapidly that my head still spins. I stepped out of the birthing room while the epidural was given and waited in the waiting area. I understand that within minutes the epidural took effect and eased Mommie's pain, but our baby girl's heartbeat dropped rapidly. I waited and waited for what seemed eternities far too long. Then I received an alarming text, "Heartbeat low. csection. rite now." "Her parents around somewhere. please try find."
(to be continued...)
@Copyright 2010, Cindy Lou Hodges All Rights Reserved.
Unbeknown to me, my daughter-in-law had been in labor all day, but went to work anyway, not knowing that it was "the real thing"! My son played an hour-long game of volleyball that evening, while "Mommie" stayed home and packed her suitcase between contractions. By 9:00 p.m. they decided that maybe they should go to the hospital, "this just might be serious". Do ya, think???
Hence, the text message sent to me, "We at hospital. She may be early...!"
I think I was kind of noisy: "Errr---Screech! Slam! High-heeled clomp-clomps!" I ran to the ER desk, and some gracious woman led me through the hall ways to the elevator that would take me to the maternity wing. I was on the ride of my life, and as the elevator doors closed I said goodbye to my life as it had been, and with their opening I said hello to my greatest adventure ever. The profound words of a budding new grandmother then blurted out from me as I viewed the 2nd floor, "sheez... now, uh, which way did she say to go???"
When I found my brave kids, it was quite obvious to me that they weren't kids anymore, and that I was no longer a young adult. We were all stepping up to a new level and a higher status in our adult lives, and this new little life coming to join us would challenge us all to rise to the calling. I saw my son hovering over his lovely wife, tenderly talking to her, and calmly reading the numbers on the monitor. I saw my daughter-in-law quietly endure the contractions, then mildly say, "that was a big one." I heard the nurse announce, "this baby is coming tonight, probably before midnight!" And off they rolled them to the birthing room.
At that point the situation escalated so rapidly that my head still spins. I stepped out of the birthing room while the epidural was given and waited in the waiting area. I understand that within minutes the epidural took effect and eased Mommie's pain, but our baby girl's heartbeat dropped rapidly. I waited and waited for what seemed eternities far too long. Then I received an alarming text, "Heartbeat low. csection. rite now." "Her parents around somewhere. please try find."
(to be continued...)
@Copyright 2010, Cindy Lou Hodges All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
And She Was Born, Chapter 1
Five years ago... Happy Birthday, Evelien Claire Hodges!
This story has taken a long time to put in text, and I can't explain why it's been such a challenge for me to document, other than I feel that my words are totally inadequate to express the wonderment and joy of the unfolding events. I finally decided that someday, maybe I'll get to tell you in person, and that the joy on my face will tell it all. I would love to tell you face to face and can't wait until that happens. But, in the meantime... this written story will have to do.
There will be more than one chapter to my story. How many? I don't know yet. That's to be determined. But, I decided that I must get busy, for new adventures are happening everyday, and I'm already behind on sharing them. So, here I go, as best I can, telling this story that is so near & dear to my heart.
Chapter One - Grammy's Night Out
There were over forty of us entertaining together that night, and we ladies of the Performing Arts Department beamed with pride that we "mature women" had managed to attract a "full house". Tickets had sold out, hours of rehearsals were behind us, and our new black outfits with rhinestone bling defined our newly elevated status as "bonafied performers". December 2, 2010 definitely was a star studded night, and we were a part of the glimmer and shine, and I... I was about to begin my long awaited, long hoped for, long dreamed of role as "Grand Mamah", or as we say here in Texas... "Grandma"!
Now, you're gonna' have to give this ol' girl some leeway here. 'Cause you see, I'm gonna' tell you this story as it happened, and I'm gonna' enjoy telling it. So, you just need to sit back and relax and let this new Grandma "splut" a little...
Desserts & coffee were the planned menu. Most of us ladies baked our favorite, prize winning recipes. We wanted our guests to feast with their eyes as well as with their taste buds, so, I did my part. I baked my famous strawberry cake. Actually, I baked two of them. Why not, since I was dirtying up the kitchen, anyway? Well, my cake, uh-hum, cakes had a hard time in the oven, and the layers baked terribly unlevel. Guess my house had shifted a little on its foundation, or I had the shelves in kind of crooked. Still don't know what happened.
So, to improve my dilemma by giving me extra icing with which to work, I improvised and tried adding marshmallow creme to the frosting. What a great idea, huh? It would make the cake extra gooey and rich, and everyone would wonder what the magical ingredient could be. All would be clamoring for my recipe, and I would be the talk of the Women's Club. Why, I would become famous, all because of a pink, fluffy, melt-in-your mouth mystery known as marshmallow creme frosting. You got it... I added more!
Famous, indeed. My pink strawberry cake turned out to be one of the biggest flops from my kitchen, ever! It was a "lop-sided", "sticky icing oozing out", "layers stuck together", "pink" kind of mud pie. A three-year old could have done better than this. It definitely had a difficult life: so did I right about then. But, I salvaged the best looking one of the two cakes and provided toppings of whipped cream, strawberry glaze, fresh strawberries, and mint leaves to garnish and cover up the blob of cake beneath. This was one of the most expensive cakes I'd ever put together: money, yes... time, astronomical... worry, unbelievable! The kitchen crew saved it for last, if that tells you anything about its appearance. At least I tried... really, really tried, and I'm happy to say that the musical performance that followed out shined my cake, and that's a good thing!
Our ladies sang the wonderful Christmas songs we all love, as well as romantic standards from the 40's, while I played the keyboard and directed them from out front. As musical director I felt a sense of pride, and our drama director smiled approvingly. Our ladies had worked hard to memorize their music and to learn the art of singing as a choir, and all the hard work had finally turned an "almost good" choir into an "outstanding" choir. Yes, the PAD ladies were great! The audience responded enthusiastically to each of our songs; clapping and laughing and the holiday spirit glowed on each and every face. Even when Santa's visit stole the show, we carried on our musical number as if his upstaging us had been the planned agenda. It was fun to see Santa! It was fun to sing and laugh! Yes, it was a magical evening, for sure.
As our program segued to the sacred portion of the evening, a wonderful hush fell over the room. The Christmas story from Luke was read while I softly played "O Holy Night" behind the narration. The true meaning of Christmas was being revealed: the reason for our joy, and I sensed a feeling of wonderment as I began to sing, *"Mary, Did You Know?"
Accompanying myself on the keyboard, I stood before the audience as the words flowed, "Mary, did you know your baby boy has walked where angels trod?... and when you kiss your little baby, you've kissed the face of God... Mary, did you know?".
When finished singing, I felt like God had been in that very room, and that He was still there with us. A holy hush hung in the air, and I felt totally surrounded by peace and calm and stillness. Even the candles' flickers seemed to stop in motion while no one coughed, no one chinked their water glass, and no one whispered a word.
Some moments are just too intimate to talk about, and some moments are just indescribable because words are mere echoes of the emotional well within. Then there are those moments that are to be pondered and dwelled on and thought about. So it was with these. Here it is almost six weeks later, and I'm still lingering there in my mind and still in awe that I was right in the middle of something very, very special.
The program soon ended, and I'd say that most were blessed by our gathering together, and that everyone enjoyed the evening. We had a grand time. We ladies in our new black outfits nodded approvingly to each other as we kicked off our shoes and hugged and congratulated ourselves. After all, we had put long, hard hours into this one performance. Time and effort had paid off. Funds were raised for scholarships, friends & families enjoyed the evening, and friendships grew even stronger. After cleaning up... it was finally time to say good night and to leave the festivities behind. So on Thursday evening, December 2, 2010, at 9:45 p.m. I gathered my musical notebook, tote bag, purse, the sticky cake carrier thing, and rhinestone earrings in hand. It was time to go home and call it a day, or a night... or so I thought.
Driving away from the building, I turned on my cell phone to check any missed calls or messages. The new text message from my son read: "We at hospital. She may be early..."!
"Oh, my gosh! She's not due until three weeks from now. Oh, my gosh, my gosh, gosh, gosh...!" With suddened teary eyes and with trembling limbs, I boldly executed a cock-eyed, wild-ride, illegal U-turn... right there in the middle of the street, in the middle of the city, right there in the middle of the big old state of Texas! This Granny-to-Be was on her way to the hospital... rhinestones, pink sticky icing on her clothes, and all. As I floor boarded it, I kept chanting loud and clear, clear across Texas... "I'm comin' kids... I'm comin'...! Hold on, Grammy's coming...!"
(to be continued...)
p.s. Never, ever add Marshmallow creme to your regular powdered sugar frosting! Big mistake!!!
Repaired cake. Yes... those are straws sticking out of it! Sigh...
Salvaged cake... Pink Strawberry Cake ready to be served! Viola'...
Strawberry Cake Recipe:
@Copyright 2010, Cindy Lou Hodges All Rights Reserved.
*"Mary, Did You Know" song lyrics by Mark Lowry
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Grammy's & Evelien's First Embrace |
This story has taken a long time to put in text, and I can't explain why it's been such a challenge for me to document, other than I feel that my words are totally inadequate to express the wonderment and joy of the unfolding events. I finally decided that someday, maybe I'll get to tell you in person, and that the joy on my face will tell it all. I would love to tell you face to face and can't wait until that happens. But, in the meantime... this written story will have to do.
There will be more than one chapter to my story. How many? I don't know yet. That's to be determined. But, I decided that I must get busy, for new adventures are happening everyday, and I'm already behind on sharing them. So, here I go, as best I can, telling this story that is so near & dear to my heart.
Chapter One - Grammy's Night Out
There were over forty of us entertaining together that night, and we ladies of the Performing Arts Department beamed with pride that we "mature women" had managed to attract a "full house". Tickets had sold out, hours of rehearsals were behind us, and our new black outfits with rhinestone bling defined our newly elevated status as "bonafied performers". December 2, 2010 definitely was a star studded night, and we were a part of the glimmer and shine, and I... I was about to begin my long awaited, long hoped for, long dreamed of role as "Grand Mamah", or as we say here in Texas... "Grandma"!
Now, you're gonna' have to give this ol' girl some leeway here. 'Cause you see, I'm gonna' tell you this story as it happened, and I'm gonna' enjoy telling it. So, you just need to sit back and relax and let this new Grandma "splut" a little...
Desserts & coffee were the planned menu. Most of us ladies baked our favorite, prize winning recipes. We wanted our guests to feast with their eyes as well as with their taste buds, so, I did my part. I baked my famous strawberry cake. Actually, I baked two of them. Why not, since I was dirtying up the kitchen, anyway? Well, my cake, uh-hum, cakes had a hard time in the oven, and the layers baked terribly unlevel. Guess my house had shifted a little on its foundation, or I had the shelves in kind of crooked. Still don't know what happened.
So, to improve my dilemma by giving me extra icing with which to work, I improvised and tried adding marshmallow creme to the frosting. What a great idea, huh? It would make the cake extra gooey and rich, and everyone would wonder what the magical ingredient could be. All would be clamoring for my recipe, and I would be the talk of the Women's Club. Why, I would become famous, all because of a pink, fluffy, melt-in-your mouth mystery known as marshmallow creme frosting. You got it... I added more!
Famous, indeed. My pink strawberry cake turned out to be one of the biggest flops from my kitchen, ever! It was a "lop-sided", "sticky icing oozing out", "layers stuck together", "pink" kind of mud pie. A three-year old could have done better than this. It definitely had a difficult life: so did I right about then. But, I salvaged the best looking one of the two cakes and provided toppings of whipped cream, strawberry glaze, fresh strawberries, and mint leaves to garnish and cover up the blob of cake beneath. This was one of the most expensive cakes I'd ever put together: money, yes... time, astronomical... worry, unbelievable! The kitchen crew saved it for last, if that tells you anything about its appearance. At least I tried... really, really tried, and I'm happy to say that the musical performance that followed out shined my cake, and that's a good thing!
Our ladies sang the wonderful Christmas songs we all love, as well as romantic standards from the 40's, while I played the keyboard and directed them from out front. As musical director I felt a sense of pride, and our drama director smiled approvingly. Our ladies had worked hard to memorize their music and to learn the art of singing as a choir, and all the hard work had finally turned an "almost good" choir into an "outstanding" choir. Yes, the PAD ladies were great! The audience responded enthusiastically to each of our songs; clapping and laughing and the holiday spirit glowed on each and every face. Even when Santa's visit stole the show, we carried on our musical number as if his upstaging us had been the planned agenda. It was fun to see Santa! It was fun to sing and laugh! Yes, it was a magical evening, for sure.
As our program segued to the sacred portion of the evening, a wonderful hush fell over the room. The Christmas story from Luke was read while I softly played "O Holy Night" behind the narration. The true meaning of Christmas was being revealed: the reason for our joy, and I sensed a feeling of wonderment as I began to sing, *"Mary, Did You Know?"
Accompanying myself on the keyboard, I stood before the audience as the words flowed, "Mary, did you know your baby boy has walked where angels trod?... and when you kiss your little baby, you've kissed the face of God... Mary, did you know?".
When finished singing, I felt like God had been in that very room, and that He was still there with us. A holy hush hung in the air, and I felt totally surrounded by peace and calm and stillness. Even the candles' flickers seemed to stop in motion while no one coughed, no one chinked their water glass, and no one whispered a word.
Some moments are just too intimate to talk about, and some moments are just indescribable because words are mere echoes of the emotional well within. Then there are those moments that are to be pondered and dwelled on and thought about. So it was with these. Here it is almost six weeks later, and I'm still lingering there in my mind and still in awe that I was right in the middle of something very, very special.
The program soon ended, and I'd say that most were blessed by our gathering together, and that everyone enjoyed the evening. We had a grand time. We ladies in our new black outfits nodded approvingly to each other as we kicked off our shoes and hugged and congratulated ourselves. After all, we had put long, hard hours into this one performance. Time and effort had paid off. Funds were raised for scholarships, friends & families enjoyed the evening, and friendships grew even stronger. After cleaning up... it was finally time to say good night and to leave the festivities behind. So on Thursday evening, December 2, 2010, at 9:45 p.m. I gathered my musical notebook, tote bag, purse, the sticky cake carrier thing, and rhinestone earrings in hand. It was time to go home and call it a day, or a night... or so I thought.
Driving away from the building, I turned on my cell phone to check any missed calls or messages. The new text message from my son read: "We at hospital. She may be early..."!
"Oh, my gosh! She's not due until three weeks from now. Oh, my gosh, my gosh, gosh, gosh...!" With suddened teary eyes and with trembling limbs, I boldly executed a cock-eyed, wild-ride, illegal U-turn... right there in the middle of the street, in the middle of the city, right there in the middle of the big old state of Texas! This Granny-to-Be was on her way to the hospital... rhinestones, pink sticky icing on her clothes, and all. As I floor boarded it, I kept chanting loud and clear, clear across Texas... "I'm comin' kids... I'm comin'...! Hold on, Grammy's coming...!"
(to be continued...)
p.s. Never, ever add Marshmallow creme to your regular powdered sugar frosting! Big mistake!!!
Repaired cake. Yes... those are straws sticking out of it! Sigh...
Salvaged cake... Pink Strawberry Cake ready to be served! Viola'...
Strawberry Cake Recipe:
@Copyright 2010, Cindy Lou Hodges All Rights Reserved.
*"Mary, Did You Know" song lyrics by Mark Lowry
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Blue Shadows (On the Trail), 1986
Buckle up, partners, for this sparkling rhinestone and soothing lullaby brought to you by The Three Amigos! Actors Steve Martin, Chevy Chase...
Woven bag is finished, and it's fabulous! What a fun project with fun results! This OOAK bag can take you from Casual Frid...
Not finished, but it does look like a bag! Woo-Hoo! A great project for a rainy afternoon! I watched a DIY video and f...