About Me

"Whoever said the frontiers are disappearing 
has never been inside my head,
for everyday I discover something new about myself." 

--Cindy Lou Hodges 

For months now I have written whatever came to mind,and after reviewing my stories,
I see that you might be confused as a reader. So, let me explain...I have shared great times,
difficult times & confusing times with you.  My stories expose that there are several sides of me: 
the good and the bad...  the serious and the funny...  the beautiful and the "ughly".
 I don't claim to know all the answers,and I face challenges, just like you do.  I just tell it as I see it. Wish I could say that I allow Jesus Christ to be first in my life, everyday.  Yes, that is my goal.
 But, the reality is that I am me...and I tend to forget...that He is Lord,and that I am not. 


Cindy Lou Hodges


All This Stuff

Another Day

If Only

Just Dance

Pink Plastic Plates

She and Me

The Yellow Hybiscus

"The greater the struggle, the greater the victory!"
--Cindy Lou Hodges

Blue Shadows (On the Trail), 1986

Buckle up, partners, for this sparkling rhinestone and soothing lullaby brought to you by The Three Amigos! Actors Steve Martin, Chevy Chase...